Happy New Year

Happy new year in 2014

we have accomplish so much with your support. To date the MAAWS Health Complex has seen almost 5,000 patients. The Eye Health Camps have treated 699 patients and provided 72 patients with free cataract surgeries in 2013 & 2014. We have installed 297 drinking water tube wells in part of our drinking and sanitation program in 5 areas around Bangladesh. We have opened a brand new burn unit to treat burn victims and acid attack victims.

2015 hopes to bring a bright New Year with more opportunities to expand our programs and services. NONE of this would be possible without your support. Thank YOU for all you have done, from donating, sharing and spreading the word about our mission.

We still need your help. Please donate online on GlobalGiving:http://bit.ly/gghealthcomplex

Connect with us:

Facebook: MAAWS For Global
Twitter: @maawsforglobal
Youtube: maawsglobal
LinkedIn: MAAWS For Global

Donate to the MAAWS Health Complex on GlobalGiving.org