MAAWS For Global
Past Programs
These programs were some of them very first programs launched by MAAWS and have either evolved into larger programs or ceased.
Rickshaw Program
“Pay-As-You-Earn” Rickshaws are the principal mode of transportation in Bangladesh. The profits made by the rickshaw program pay off the small loan needed to start before users even know it.
New Life Fund
MAAWS provides support to newly married couples. Men are given rickshaws and women are enrolled for training at the Sewing center.
Funeral Fund
High burial costs and low income costs do not make it feasible for poor villagers to properly bury their deceased loved ones. MAAWS provides them with the means to perform the funeral rites and bury their loved ones with dignity.
Fishing Program
“Give a man a fish and you have fed him for today. Teach the man to fish and you have fed him for a life”. Munshi Atar Ali lived by this philosophy. The Fishing Project was one of the first MAAWS projects. Cultivating fish in reclaimed ponds provides jobs for many laborers. Laborers then sell the fish in local markets and make a profit.